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2018 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science® Awards Competition Winners

The award recipients are listed below. Detailed information on the project categories and awards can be found at: https://www.aaees.org/e3scompetition. Click on the links below to view a full profile of each winning project.

Superior Achievement

LA's Water Conservation Potential Study Targets a Sustainable Future
Entrant: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Engineer in Charge: David Pettijohn, P.E., BCEE
Location: Los Angeles, California


Grand Prize

Northern Treatment Plant Facilities
Entrant: Metro Wastewater Reclamation District
Engineer in Charge: Steve Patterson, P.E.
Location: Brighton, Colorado

Honor Award

Central Pasco County Beneficial Water Reuse Project: 4G Wetlands
Entrant: CH2M, now Jacobs
Engineer in Charge: Rafael Vazquez-Burney, P.E.
Location: Land O Lakes, Florida

Environmental Sustainability

Grand Prize

Los Angeles Aqueduct - Owens Lake Environmental Protection and Dust Mitigation
Entrant: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Engineer in Charge: James G. Yannotta, P.E.
Location: Los Angeles, California

Honor Award

None for 2018

Industrial Waste Practice

Grand Prize and W. Wesley Eckenfelder Industrial Waste Management Medal Recipient sponsored by AquAeTer

From Pilot to Full Scale: Development of STARx HottPad™
Entrant: Savron, a division of Geosyntec Consultants International, Inc.
Engineer in Charge: David Major, Ph.D., BCES
Location: Houston, Texas

Honor Award

Factoria Recycling and Transfer Station
Entrant: HDR
Person in Charge: Mary Shanks
Location: Bellevue, Washington


Grand Prize

Los Angeles Aqueduct - Owens Lake Environmental Protection and Dust Mitigation
Entrant: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Engineer in Charge: James G. Yannotta, P.E.
Location: Los Angeles, California

Honor Award

None for 2018


Grand Prize

One Water LA 2040 Plan
Entrant: City of Los Angeles, LA Sanitation and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Engineer in Charge: Adel Hagekhalil, P.E., BCEE
Location: Los Angeles, California

Honor Award

Toronto Long Term Waste Management Strategy
Entrant: HDR
Person in Charge: Christine Roarke
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Grand Prize

Direct Potable Reuse Pilot Testing of Ozone-Biofiltration/Research Project (WE&RF Reuse-15-11)
Entrant: Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources, CDM Smith, and Stantec
Engineers in Charge: Denise R. Funk, P.E., BCEE, and Jennifer Hooper, P.E.
Location: Lawrenceville, Georgia

Honor Award

A Simple, Cost-Effective Method for NDMA Analysis in Drinking Water and Recycled Water to Improve Public Health Protection
Entrant: Orange County Water District
Engineer in Charge: Dr. Megan Plumlee, P.E.
Location: Fountain Valley, California

Small Firms

Grand Prize

Florissant Water & Sanitation District Drinking Water Treatment Improvements Project
Entrant: AquaWorks DBO, Inc.
Engineer in Charge: Adam Sommers, P.E.
Location: Florissant, Colorado

Honor Award

None for 2018

Small Projects

Grand Prize

MSD Buncombe County, North Carolina - Sanitary Sewage Sludge Incinerator Improvements Project
Entrant: CDM Smith
Engineer in Charge: Richard Tsang, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
Location: Asheville, North Carolina

Honor Award

None for 2018

University Research

Grand Prize

Remediation of Chlorinated Solvent-Contaminated Groundwater Using Long-Lasting and NZVI-Contained Colloidal Substrates with pH and Hydrogen Sulfide Control Capabilities: Innovative Substrate Development and Mechanism Studies
Entrant: Chih-Ming Kao, P.E., BCEE, and Yih-Terng Sheu
Engineer in Charge: Chih-Ming Kao, P.E., BCEE
Location: Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Honor Award

Southeast Commerce Mine Water Passive Treatment Project
Entrant: Dr. Robert W. Nairn, University of Oklahoma
Engineer in Charge: Russell C. Dutnell, P.E.
Location: Norman, Oklahoma


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