Leadership Roles and Opportunities

Officers of the Academy

The officers of the Academy shall be a President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Past President, Treasurer, and Executive Director.

All elected officers and candidates for elected officer positions shall be Board Certified by AAEES.

Candidates standing for a position as an elected officer and Treasurer of the Academy, at any election, shall have served at least one term as either a Trustee, a chairperson of an Academy committee or as the Treasurer. 


  • Elections are open from March 1 to May 15 to all eligible Board Certified Individuals and AAEES Members.
  • The term of office of new officers shall begin on January 1 of the fiscal year following their induction into office which shall take place during the October Meeting of the BOT.

Duties of Officers

The duties of the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Past President, and Treasurer are listed below.


The President is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Academy and in that role will carry out the following duties: 

  • Have general supervision over all the affairs and operations of the Academy. 
  • Preside at all meetings of the BOT and the EC. 
  • Assign Trustees to serve as ex-officio members, liaison, or in other capacities on individual committees. 
  • Appoint Chairs, with the approval of the BOT, and members of all Committees. 
  • Sign, execute, and acknowledge, in the name of the Academy, contracts and other instruments authorized by the BOT, except in cases where such duties are otherwise delegated by the BOT or these Policies and Procedures. 
  • Perform other duties incident to the office or that may be assigned by the BOT.  

The term of office for President shall be one year; shall coincide with the Academy’s fiscal year; and shall begin on January 1 of the fiscal year immediately following the annual meeting of the BOT in which they are inducted into office. Those serving in these officer positions may serve one additional consecutive one-year term, provided he or she is nominated and elected.


The President-Elect is elected annually and shall succeed to the office of President at the close of the latter’s term.

The President-Elect shall carry out the following duties: 

  • Preside at all meetings of the BOT in the absence of the President. 
  • Serve as ex-officio member and Board liaison on the Development and Upgrading of Examinations Committee. 
  • Serve as Chair of the Planning Committee. 
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or the BOT. 

The term of office for President-Elect, shall be one year; shall coincide with the Academy’s fiscal year; and shall begin on January 1 of the fiscal year immediately following the annual meeting of the BOT in which they are inducted into office. Those serving in these officer positions may serve one additional consecutive one-year term, provided he or she is nominated and elected.

Vice President

The Vice President is elected annually and shall be offered as the candidate for election to the position of President-Elect in the subsequent year.

The Vice President shall carry out the following duties: 

  • Assist the President and President-Elect in carrying out the duties of their Offices. 
  • Act in place of the President and/or President-Elect when necessary. 
  • Serve as ex-officio member and BOT liaison on the Engineering Education Committee. 
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or the BOT. 

The terms of office for Vice President shall be one year; shall coincide with the Academy’s fiscal year; and shall begin on January 1 of the fiscal year immediately following the annual meeting of the BOT in which they are inducted into office. Those serving in these officer positions may serve one additional consecutive one-year term, provided he or she is nominated and elected.


The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Academy and in that role shall carry out the following duties: 

  • Supervise the funds and securities of the Academy. 
  • To the extent warranted by its cash position, and Board investment policies, and with the advice and consent of the Finance Committee, direct the investments of the Academy’s funds. 
  • Act as advisor to the Executive Director in all fiscal matters. 
  • Serve as Chair of the Finance Committee. 
  • Be bonded at the expense of the Academy in an amount as determined by the BOT. 
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or the BOT. 

The term of office for the Treasurer shall be three years; shall coincide with the Academy’s fiscal year; and shall begin on January 1 of the fiscal year immediately following the annual meeting of the BOT in which she/he has been inducted into office. The Treasurer may serve one additional consecutive three-year term.

Past President

The Past President shall carry out the following duties: 

  • Serve as ex-officio member and BOT liaison on the Government Affairs Committee. 
  • Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee. 
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or the BOT. 


Eligibility Requirements

  • Been board certified for a minimum of five years
  • Has served on and been a contributing member of an Academy Committee or Working Group

A Trustee who has been appointed or elected to complete an unexpired term of another Trustee shall, upon completion of such unexpired term, be eligible for election or appointment for a succeeding full term of three (3) years.

Those serving as Trustees-at-Large may serve one additional consecutive three-year term, provided he or she is nominated and elected.

Sponsoring Organization Trustee

Sponsoring Organization Trustees are to promote AAEES Board Certification within the organization that they represent on the BOT. 

Eligibility Requirements 

  • Be Board Certified by AAEES.
  • Be AAEES Board Certified in good standing

Sponsoring Organization Trustees may serve one additional consecutive three-year term upon the request of the Sponsoring Organization to the President and with his or her concurrence. 


The following terms would normally apply to all Committees. If necessary, the President may establish different terms, based on specific Academy needs. For Working Groups the length of appointments will be dictated by the unique circumstances surrounding the establishment of a Working Group. 

Click here for a list of AAEES Committees.

  1. Chair – three year terms. 
  2. Vice Chair – three year terms. 
  3. Secretaries – three year terms. (The establishment of a Committee Secretary is dependent upon the workload of a particular Committee. Where a Secretary is not established, the Chair and Vice Chair will have to share the duties of the Secretary as defined in the policy.)
  4. Members – two or three year terms and the number of members on a Committee or Working Group would normally be 2 to 5 in addition to the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. 

The following duties for the various offices in a Committee are provided for guidance. Chairs, in concert with the Diplomates who are appointed to serve as a Vice-Chair or Secretary, may realign the described duties between those serving if a realignment enhances the effectiveness of the Committee. 

Chairs have the following duties: 

  1. develop program plans, 
  2. review, and approve for transmission required or requested reports, 
  3. preside over all meetings, 
  4. make assignments to members of their respective committee or working group, and
  5. direct the operations of their respective committee, working group or state representation activities. 

 Vice Chairs have the following duties: 

  1. assist the Chair in fulfilling his or her duties, 
  2. preside over meetings in the absence of the Chair, 
  3. guide sub-committees in the execution of their program efforts, 
  4. carry out other duties assigned by the Chair. 

 Secretaries have the following duties: 

  1. maintain rosters of members, 
  2. arrange for teleconference meetings, 
  3. prepare minutes of all meetings for the review and approval of the Chair and transmit minutes to members, 
  4. draft required reports for the approval of the Chair, and 
  5. carry out other duties assigned by the Chair. 

 Committee Members have the following duties: 

  1. be productive, contributing and responsible members, 
  2. assume responsibilities for tasks assigned by the Chair, 
  3. provide leadership in the implementation of the program plan, 
  4. attend all meetings of the Committee or Working Group, and 
  5. fulfill the obligations as Diplomates by being willing to be members of Committee and Working Group. 

Leadership and Committee Interest Form for Members

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