The AAEES Chapter Blue Marble Award


Founded in 1955, the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists promotes continual improvement in environmental engineering and science education and practice. To this end, the Chapter Blue Marble Award exists to recognize local chapters – students and professionals – who demonstrate leadership and excellence to grow, connect, and diversify the environmental profession


The Academy Chapter Blue Marble Award is a new award to recognize our active student chapters.


University-hosted AAEES student chapters (and local professional chapters) are eligible.


An annual report must be filed by February 1, which describes how a chapter meets the minimum criteria to be recognized with a Chapter Blue Marble Award at the Academy’s annual spring awards celebration. 

The report must include the following:

  1. Name of host University for students or appropriate local name for professionals (i.e., Houston region)
  2. Name and contact information for current President, Vice President, and Faculty Advisor (i.e., email, phone, mailing address)
  3. Evidence of at least six bi-monthly chapter meetings during the prior calendar year (i.e., at least six regular meetings during the year)
  4. Evidence of at least one webinar watch event during the prior calendar year (i.e., event may take place as part of a regular bi-monthly chapter meeting)
  5. Evidence of at least two recruitment activities during the prior calendar year (i.e., once during the spring semester and once during the autumn semester; events may take place alongside a regular bi-monthly chapter meeting)
  6. Evidence of a chapter activity shared as a story that supports an Academy social media campaign (i.e., submitting at least one story of a chapter activity – such as a neighborhood or stream cleanup, or design competition, or similar – that supports at least one event on the Academy Social Media Calendar)
  7. Evidence of member advancement (i.e., that student members have transferred to members of the Academy at the time of graduation – or – members of the Academy are pursuing Board Certification)

Chapters with verified reports that meet the minimum criteria will be invited to participate in the Academy’s annual spring awards celebration where Chapter Blue Marble Awards will be bestowed.

Additional Benefit

Presidents of chapters who win the Academy Chapter Blue Marble Award are eligible for consideration by the Nominating Committee for election as a Trustee-at-Large for the Board of Trustees.

Submission Information

Click here to download a sample  packet to use as a guideline for your submission.
Click here to upload your submission.

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