Patrons Program

The American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists has been in existence for more than 60 years, credentialing professionals in environmental engineering and science, educating the public about the value of environmental systems, working with ABET (the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) as the Lead Society in the accreditation of more than 100 college and university Environmental Engineering programs, and providing recognition for noteworthy projects and programs in the annual Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science competition.

The Academy has greatly benefited from the collaborative spirit and active participation of its sponsoring societies. However, from the standpoint of economic support, the Academy's endeavors have focused on individual membership and the actions of these individuals in implementing its goals. To sustain the Academy's programs and enhance their effectiveness, the Academy is implementing a Patrons Program that is being offered in:

  • Corporate/Consulting firms and
  • Public Agency/Government organizations.

It is the Academy's firm belief that the synergistic impact of individual membership activities, coupled to support by the organizations in which they work, will create a powerful success model that will enable the Academy to better implement its organizational goals and mission.

The Patrons Program umbrella is expansive. Its intent is to have our patrons effectively co-brand with the Academy for everything that it does in outreach to either members or the general public.

The list below captures a summary of the AAEES Patrons Program benefits:  


  • Featured recognition/advertisement of Patrons on the AAEES website. AAEES works closely with the Patrons to post its content as an important mechanism to publicize accomplishments and serve as a recruiting tool for new talent.
  • Prominent advertisement (verbal recognition/signage/logo) at all AAEES sponsored events including virtual.
  • Recognition included in all webinar marketing material. 


  • Host an AAEES webinar to share your firm's  knowledge and include your promotional video

Financial Benefits

  • Issuance of two complimentary registrations to attend the Annual AAEES Awards Luncheon and Conference 
  • Four complimentary technical entries (value equivalent to $2,000) for the Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science competition (E3S)
  • Waiver of the AAEES certification application and examination fees for all employees who qualify ((value equivalent to $250 per employee)
  • Posting jobs on the AAEES Job Board at (value of $200/job posting).

The Patrons Program is much more effective in providing consistent recognition for our Patrons. Wherever the Academy goes and wherever Academy materials appear, those of its Patrons also appear.

In establishing the Patrons Program the Academy acknowledges and appreciates the past economic support of corporate, agency, and academic entities. Their support for individual events and programs has been beneficial to the Academy. We believe that the Patrons Program outlined here will be more effective in achieving the goals of the Academy in developing its programs, and more effective in providing the recognition that our Patrons seek for their sponsorship of the Academy.

Administratively, the Patrons Program enables Patrons to support the full slate of Academy activities through one annual contribution. We are setting annual Patron contribution commitments of:

  • $8,000 for Corporate/Consulting category
  • $6,000 for Public Agency/Government category

We invite you to consider having your organization become an Academy Patron. Your decision to participate will trigger our sending you a simple 'Patrons Program Participation Agreement' that lists the program features and benefits. This will be followed by contact from the Academy staff to determine your preferred invoicing and form of payment information. We will also need to have Patrons staff contact information to ensure that we have requisite materials -- accurate logos, entity identification, website links, and other items -- to enable us to create the content we will use to maximize your exposure and recognition as an Academy Patron.

Should you have questions please contact:

Daniel B. Oerther, PhD, PE, BCEE, BCES
AAEES Executive Director

AAEES Patrons


Black and Veatch
Carollo Engineers
CDM Smith
SCS Engineers
Stanley Consultants


Delaware Solid Waste Authority
Black and Veatch
Black and Veatch

Our Partners

ABET AECOM AEESP AIChE APHA APWA ASCE ASEE AWMA  Black and VeatchCDM SmithCDM Smith CESB DSWA EESF Geosyntec LACSD ladwp   MWDSC nacwa naem    OCSAN PDH Online SCS Engineers Stanley ConsultantsSWANA usaidis uswaterpartnership WEF