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2023 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science® Awards Competition Winners

The award recipients are listed below.

Click here for detailed information on the project categories and awards.

Superior Achievement

Subsea Containment System that Captures the Longest Running Offshore Oil Spill in US History
Entrant: Couvillion Group
Engineer in Charge: Matthew Couch, P.E.
Location: Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi Canyon Block 20


Grand Prize

Tomahawk Creek WWTF Expansion
Entrant: Black & Veatch
Engineer in Charge: John Keller, P.E.
Location: Leawood, Kansas

Grand Prize

A Headworks Divided - The Key to Unlocking Expanded Water Reuse in Orange County, CA
Entrant: Orange County Sanitation District in Partnership with the Orange County Water District
Engineer in Charge: Shahrzad F. Namini, MSc., PMP, P.E., VM
Location: Huntington Beach, California

Environmental Sustainability

Grand Prize

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint: The Sanitation Districts' Greenhouse Gas Reduction Initiatives
Entrant: Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
Engineer in Charge: Robert C. Ferrante, P.E., BCEE
Location: Whittier, California

Honor Award

8.5 Square Mile Area (SMA) Limited Curtain Wall
 The R.J. Behar & Company, Inc., Team
Engineer in Charge: Juan H. Vazquez, P.E., PH, BCEE
Location: Miami-Date County, Florida

Industrial Waste Practice

Grand Prize and W. Wesley Eckenfelder Industrial Waste Management Medal Recipient sponsored by AquAeTer

None for 2023

Honor Award

None for 2023


Grand Prize

None for 2023

Honor Award

None for 2023


Grand Prize

Los Angeles Groundwater Replenishment Project
Entrant: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Engineer in Charge: Jesus Gonzalez
Location: Los Angeles, California

Honor Award

None for 2023


Grand Prize

None for 2023

Honor Award

None for 2023

Small Firms

Grand Prize

None for 2023

Honor Award

None for 2023

Small Projects

Grand Prize

Plastic Waste Collection, Processing and Recycling with Employment Generation
Entrant: Bharathi Theertha and Rotary Club of Naperville, IL
Engineer in Charge: Prakasam Tata, Ph.D., BCES, WEF Fellow
Location: Naperville, Illinois

Honor Award

Disaster Equity Reconstruction After the Marshall Fire
Entrant: Resilient Analytics, A Stanley Consultants Company
Engineer in Charge: Dr. Paul Chinowsky
Location: Boulder County, Colorado

University Research

Grand Prize

Microwave-Catalytic Membrane Technology for Recalcitrant Water Pollutant Removal and Airborne Pathogen Disinfection
Entrant: Wen Zhang and Fangzhou Liu/New Jersey Institute of Technology
Engineer in Charge: Wen Zhang, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
Location: Newark, New Jersey

Honor Award

None for 2023


Our Partners

ABET AECOM AEESP AIChE APHA APWA ASCE ASEE AWMA  Black and VeatchCDM SmithCDM Smith CESB DSWA EESF Geosyntec LACSD ladwp   MWDSC nacwa naem    OCSAN PDH Online SCS Engineers Stanley ConsultantsSWANA usaidis uswaterpartnership WEF