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2020 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science® Awards Competition Winners

The award recipients are listed below.

Click here for detailed information on the project categories and awards.

Superior Achievement and Grand Prize for 50th Anniversary of the 1970 Clean Air Act

Tulare Lake Compost: Attaining Sustainability in a Nonattainment Area
Entrant: Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
Engineer in Charge: Robert C. Ferrante, P.E., BCEE
Location: Kings County, California


Grand Prize

Stormwater and Deicing Capacity Projects
Entrant: Wessler Engineering
Engineer in Charge: William J. Leber, P.E.
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana

Honor Award

Middlefield-Ellis-Whisman Superfund Study Area
Entrant: Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.
Engineer in Charge: Eric Suchomel, Ph.D., P.E.
Location: Mountain View, California

Environmental Sustainability

Grand Prize

Success of an Integrated Approach for Groundwater Clean-up Beneath an Urban University Campus
Entrant: Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.
Engineer in Charge: Carl Elder, Ph.D., P.E.
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts

Honor Award

City of Virginia Beach Stormwater Management and Flood Mitigation Planning Project
Entrant: CDM Smith
Engineer in Charge: Gary St. John, P.E., BCEE, PMP
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia

COAST: Carribean Ocean and Aquaculture Sustainability faciliTy
Entrant: Daniel B. Oerther, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, BCES
Engineer in Charge: Daniel B. Oerther, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, BCES
Location: Caribbean Sea

Industrial Waste Practice

Grand Prize and W. Wesley Eckenfelder Industrial Waste Management Medal Recipient sponsored by AquAeTer

None for 2020

Honor Award

None for 2020


Grand Prize

None for 2020

Honor Award

None for 2020


Grand Prize

Climate Resiliency and Adaptation Plan
Entrant: Orange County Sanitation District
Person in Charge: Nasrin Nasrollahi
Location: Fountain Valley, California

Honor Award

None for 2020


Grand Prize

None for 2020

Honor Award

None for 2020

Small Firms

Grand Prize

None for 2020

Honor Award

None for 2020

Small Projects

Grand Prize

None for 2020

Honor Award

None for 2020

University Research

Grand Prize

Hybrid Adsorption Biological Treatment System (HABiTS) for Nitrogen Removal in Onsite Wastewater Treatment
Entrant: University of South Florida
Engineer in Charge: Sarina J. Ergas, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
Location: Tampa, Florida

Honor Award

REMChlor-MD Groundwater Containment Transport and Remediation Computer Model
Entrant: Ronald W. Falta, Ph.D.
Person in Charge: Ronald W. Falta, Ph.D.
Location: Clemson, South Carolina


Our Partners

ABET AECOM AEESP AIChE APHA APWA ASCE ASEE AWMA  Black and VeatchCDM SmithCDM Smith CESB DSWA EESF Geosyntec LACSD ladwp   MWDSC nacwa naem    OCSAN PDH Online SCS Engineers Stanley ConsultantsSWANA usaidis uswaterpartnership WEF