Volume 40, No. 8 -- August 2024
AAEES Patrons
Patrons of the Academy are organizations that are distinguished by providing financial support to the Academy's programs in addition to their engagement in specialty certification of their Engineers and Scientists. They are dedicated to a collaborative effort with the Academy in pursuit of Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science. For more information, go to https://www.aaees.org/patronsprogram.
AAEES Award Nominations
TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Submit your nominations by August 31st. You can nominate yourself or someone else for the following awards at https://www.aaees.org/aaeesawards-criteria.

Member News
SWANA’s Robert L. Lawrence Distinguished Service Award, their highest accolade, was recently given to Robert (Bob) Gardner, P.E., BCEE. Bob is a Board Certified Environmental Engineer and he is Senior Vice President at SCS Engineers’. This award was created to recognize service and activity beyond normal responsibilities to the industry, employer, and general public. We are proud to have Bob Gardner as an active member of the Academy who currently serves on the Board of Trustees representing SWANA.
SCS Engineers is a leading global environmental solutions firm that provides engineering, consulting, and contracting services for various sectors. We appreciate SCS Engineers’ continued support of the Academy by being a valued Patron.
Upcoming Webinars
August 2024
Wednesday, August 28, 2024 NOON - 1:30 PM Eastern AAEES's August 2024 PeckaKucha
September 2024
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 NOON - 1:30 PM Eastern NW Natural Gas Interceptor Trench Remediation Project Portland Oregon
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 NOON - 1:30 PM Eastern South Sioux City Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements
October 2024
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 NOON - 1:30 PM Eastern Ashtabula WTP Reconstruction
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 NOON - 1:30 PM Eastern The Gateway Reserve: A Story of Geology, History, and Water in the Northern Buffer
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 NOON - 1:30 PM Eastern Total GIS for Pipeline Route Evaluation
Everything You Need to Know About Becoming AAEES Board Certified
Have you ever thought about Board Certification but aren’t sure where to start? Or perhaps you’ve taken a look and are worried about studying for the written exam? Or maybe you’re not sure if your work history is sufficient to make you eligible? Let us help to remove some of the (unneeded) mystery from the process of Board Certification!
Join us for this interactive meeting to sit down with our Executive Director, Professor Daniel B. Oerther, PhD, PE, BCEE, BCES, so you can learn all about becoming Board Certified with the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists!
Upcoming meetings:
Details can be found at: https://www.aaees.org/everythingyouneedtoknow-boardcertification.
The Joint AEESP/AAEES Awards Committee is Seeking New Members
Members of the Joint AEESP/AAEES Awards Committee manage and coordinate the AEESP and joint AEESP/AAEES awards process. Members are needed each year to evaluate award nominations, a process that takes place in the spring or early summer of each year.
A list of the awards can be found here: https://aeespfoundation.org/awards.
To be eligible, you must be a current member of AEESP and AAEES Board Certified.
If you are interested in serving on this committee, please email Yolanda at [email protected] by August 30, 2024.
The Academy Connector
The Academy Connector is a new way to help the Academy to grow, connect, and diversify members across the profession. It also offers a great way to connect with each other.
Share as much (or as little) information as you wish. Let other AAEES attendees know you'll be there, how to contact you, if you're a speaker or presenter, or if you are willing to host a get together with other Academy members. The information you share will be published in The Academy Connector. This publication will only be distributed to other Academy members attending this event.
We are currently connecting AAEES members for the following event:
 APWA’s PWX 2024 – September 8-11, 2024 Sign up here to connect with other AAEES members: https://www.aaees.org/theacademyconnector-apwa.
The 2024 AAEES Nationwide Career Networking Fair
The AAEES Nationwide Career Networking Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 2 PM Eastern. Details will be posted to https://www.aaees.org/careernetworkingfair
The 2024 Academy Autumn Summit
The theme this year is Evidence-informed Practice: Translating Research into Practice to Solve Cross-cutting Challenges. This virtual event will be held on Thursday October 17, 2024 from NOON until 3 PM Eastern.
Autumn Summit Featured Speakers
R. Rhodes Trussell, PhD, PE, BCEE, NAE Founder, Trussell Technologies Tentative title: Evidence to Practice: From Water Treatment to Direct Potable Reuse
Rula Deeb, PhD, BCEEM, PMP Senior Principal, Geosyntec Tentative title: Advancing Remediation Technologies to Address Ever Challenging Emerging Pollutants: Lessons for PFAS
Leon Downing, PhD Global Practice and Technology Leader, Black & Veatch Tentative title: From Waste to Resource: Using the Best Science to Improve Nutrient Removal and Recovery
More details are available at https://www.aaees.org/autumnsummit.
AAEES Celebration of Volunteer Leaders
Join us on October 18th at 1-2 PM Eastern for an event to celebrate our success, recognize our leaders and outline our future. This free virtual event is open to all AAEES members.
Celebration Agenda
- AAEES President, Wendy A. Wert, P.E., BCEE: Opening remarks, summary of accomplishments, and recognition of our Trustee’s service to the organization
- Past President, Dr. David Vaccari, P.E., BCEE: ceremonial swearing-in of new Trustees and Officers who will assume office on January 1, 2025
- President-Elect: Dr. David A Chin, P.E., BCEE: Closing remarks and a glimpse into our future.
Reserve your spot here: https://www.aaees.org/20241018-volunterleadercelebration
Not Yet Board Certified?
In honor of Professional Engineers Day (August 7, 2024), our Executive Director, Professor Daniel B. Oerther, PhD, PE, BCEE, invites YOU to consider Board Certification to demonstrate further mastery of increasingly complex engineering content to assure peers and the public of your commitment to excellence and leadership in environmental practice.
Foundation Donations
The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation's primary purpose is to recognize and promote excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science. As a result, the public will become more aware of the important role Environmental Engineers and Scientists play in managing global, national and regional environmental challenges. To accomplish its goals, the Foundation dedicates its resources to education, research and awards focused on outstanding Environmental Engineering and Science achievement.
The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. As such, all contributions donated through this site are eligible to receive a tax-deduction. The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation supports several educational, awards, and outreach programs and supports a variety of activities and initiatives of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists. Descriptions of the various funds and their charitable objectives can be found at https://www.eesfoundation.org/donate/.
Did You Know?
The AAEES calendar is a great way to stay connected with listings of upcoming events, meetings, deadlines, industry observances, and other important dates.
Past AAEES Webinars

Did you know you can watch our past webinars on YouTube? Click here to visit our Youtube Channel.
Need PDHs?
You now have the opportunity to earn PDHs from recorded webinars! If you miss an AAEES webinar, you can watch it at your convenience and then take a quiz to earn PDHs.
- Go to our webinar library and watch a webinar of your choice.
- Once you have watched it, go to the coordinating quiz link to purchase and complete a brief quiz.
- Once you pass the quiz, we will send you your PDH certificate.
It’s that simple!
Go to our webinar library to browse our recorded webinars: https://www.aaees.org/aaeeswebinarslibrary.
Stories Submission
AEES is THE collaborating organization in environmental engineering and environmental science. Environmental engineers and environment scientists can come here to tell a story and connect with others. We accept a variety of formats:
- Photo(s) with description
- Links to news articles
- Video clips
- Links to relevant webinar/podcasts
- Links to industry white paper
We appreciate everything our members submit. Depending on the size of your item, we may include it on social media, the monthly Highpoints Newsletter, or Environmental Engineer and Scientist magazine.
For more information, and to submit your story, go to https://www.aaees.org/MemberStories.
Update Your Profile
Is your information up to date? Need to change your address, email, or other information? Log in to your account at https://www.aaees.org and click on ‘Go To My Profile’ under Quick Links.
Your username is .
You can update your password by going to https://www.aaees.org/login#/reset-password/.
Update any outdated information, change your primary contact information, or view any events for which you have registered.
If you are having trouble accessing your account, email Yolanda at YMoulden at aaees.org for assistance.
AAEES Podcasts
The Importance of Mentoring: No One is An Island
Join us as we sit down with Nicholas Albergo, PE, BCEE, BC.WRE, F.ASCE, F.EWRI and Matthew Talbert, PE, BCEE from Academy Patron, GHD. GHD Group is a global employee-owned multinational technical professional services firm providing advisory, architecture and design, buildings, digital, energy and resources, environmental, geosciences, project management, transportation and water services. Nick is a Professional Engineer, Senior Advisor to GHD, and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of South Florida. Matt is an Environmental Engineer and project manager specializing in site assessment and remediation.
You will hear about GHD’s mentoring program and the importance of intentional conversations as well as the demands placed on emerging professionals. Matthew will share how he was drawn to becoming Board Certified through the Academy and how it has helped his career.
Nick’s humor during a conversation on ethics is sure to make you laugh as he asks, “What would your mom think?” Don’t miss this episode.
Environmental Engineering and Science: A Team Sport
Join us as we sit down with two of our Board Certified Environmental Scientists. Dr. Mary deFlaun, BCES is a Sr. Principal Microbiologist at Geosyntec Consultants. Dr. deFlaun will be interviewing Heather Tahon, BCES, a Principal Scientist also at Geosyntec Consultants. Heather has worked in environmental consulting for almost 20 years now and has worked at Geosyntec for the past 11 years. Heather’s practice includes managing environmental investigation, remediation, transactional due diligence, and compliance projects primarily for industrial clients. Heather currently manages the groundwater remediation and environmental management department in Geosyntec’s Pittsburgh, PA office. During this podcast, Heather discusses how her mentors have helped her throughout her career and how being board certified with the Academy has benefitted her credibility in the consulting world. Heather also gives advice on how young professionals can develop their own leadership style.
As a strong leader who now mentors others, Heather is an inspiration to anyone working in the environmental engineering/science world.
A Day in the Life of an Environmental Engineer and the Steps it Takes to Get There: Interview with Isreal Hodges, Jr., P.E., BCEE
Join us as we sit down with two of our Board Certified Environmental Engineers. Anastasia Rudenko, P.E., BCEE, ENV SP, who is an associate with GHD, will be interviewing Isreal Hodges, Jr., P.E., BCEE, who is a Lead EHS Specialist for Rivian Automotive. Almost four years ago, Isreal became a Board Certified Environmental Engineer with the Academy with a specialty in Air Pollution Control. Isreal’s story will inspire any young professional who is striving for a career in environmental engineering/science. During this podcast, Isreal talks about how being Board Certified with the Academy has helped his career, and he emphasizes the importance of being proactive with early career networking. Isreal also discusses his favorite part of the job, overcoming career challenges and how prioritizing physical health improves all aspects of his life. Above all, Isreal reminds us to enjoy the journey and celebrate success. As an ambassador of environmental engineering, Isreal is an inspiration to anyone working towards becoming an environmental engineer.
Overcoming Obstacles to Become a Successful Engineer: The Story of Melody Gonzalez
Join us as we sit down with Anne Germain, a Board Certified Environmental Engineer and Chief Operating Officer & Senior Vice President of Regulatory Affairs for the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) who will be interviewing Melody Gonzalez, a Project engineer at Black & Veatch. Melody has a captivating story to tell. Originally from Venezuela, Ms. Gonzalez used her strength, grit and determination to become an engineer all while raising two boys on her own. During this podcast, you will learn the unique details of Melody’s journey from being a single mother with limited family support to growing into an engineer practicing in the United States and working on earning a PE license. Melody talks about the importance of having a good mentor along the way and also emphasizes the importance of being a good mentor to others. Melody also discusses the importance of getting involved. Joining professional organizations, being active in the industry, and cultivating a network all serve as the building blocks for getting an engineering career off the ground. Melody is an inspiration to all women and anyone who dreams of becoming an engineer.
Interactive Who’s Who
The Academy’s website has an improved and expanded feature for members: the Interactive Who’s Who. Look for the link just below the welcome message after you log in. With this tool you can search for members by name, specialization, organization, and location. You can use this feature to find Board-Certified individuals within a specialty for possible engagement on projects. You can find out who else in your organization is a member and see their biographical information. You can get contact information for colleagues in the Academy. Universities can find local Board-Certified members to engage them with their program as mentors or external advisory board members. The feature is intuitive to use by selecting one or more text fields to search for. Once you find a member you can then click on them for more detailed profile including contact information. And, if you search for yourself, you will be able to edit your profile including adding a headshot photo for your colleagues to know you by. Enjoy this new feature that will help our members connect with each other.
The AAEES Job Board
Visit the AAEES Job board at https://aaees.mcjobboard.net.
Job Seekers may post resumes for free, apply for jobs, and have access to useful tools such as alerts, keyword search, and a resume bank exposure.
Employers may post opportunities for internships, contract positions, part-time positions, and full-time positions. You will receive renewal notifications if your job is about to expire and access a resume bank of potential candidates.
As a member benefit, AAEES Board Certified Individuals and AAEES Members may post jobs for FREE. Just log in using the same credentials that you use on AAEES.org.
If you are not a member, you may post jobs at the following rates:
Non-Member Pricing
Member Pricing
30-Day Listing
60-Day Listing
90-Day Listing
Featured Listing
With a featured listing, your job will be promoted at the top of the board and publised to the Google Jobs Network.
Current Job Postings
New Member Benefit - PDH Online

The American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists has renewed our partnership with PDH Online to provide its members with professional development hour courses. All AAEES members receive a 30% discount off any of PDH online's 3,000+ courses, including live webinars. AAEES will receive a 20% royalty for each course taken by AAEES members using the AAEES membership code AAEES30. Members can search courses and sign up at https://www.PDHonline.com.
PDH Online is one of the leading online course providers and is an approved continuing education sponsor by many state licensing boards for professional engineers. Over 100 of their courses have been developed by BCEEs. AAEES has designated PDH Online as the Preferred PDH Provider to help AAEES members complete all their bi-annual PDH requirements.
Share Your Story
We always love to hear what our members have been up to! Send us your recent articles, news, project photos, etc. We would be happy to share with the rest of the environmental engineering and science community via social media. Send an email to Marisa Waterman at MWaterman at aaees.org.
It's Simple - Refer a Colleague to Apply for Board Certification
Not Getting Email Announcements from AAEES?
Please be sure to whitelist or add [email protected] to your contact list to ensure you receive important updates and announcements to your inbox.
Host a Virtual Event
It's easy and free to host an AAEES Webinar or Virtual Workshop/Event
If you would like to learn more, please email Marisa Waterman at MWaterman at aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic and possible speakers.
Student Lounge
We always love to hear what our student members have been up to! Send us your recent articles, news, studies, project photos, etc. We would be happy to share with the rest of the environmental engineering and science community via social media. Send an email to Marisa Waterman at MWaterman at aaees.org.
Follow us on Social Media!
